24 March 2009

More on The Art of Billy

Billy posted a report of the exhibition we held at Trinity Road Chapel featuring his art. What an encouraging time it was, as you will discover in his article.

14 March 2009

The Art of Billy

A few weeks ago, Trinity Road Chapel welcomed artist David "Billy" Bill to assist us with an art exhibition. He brought several pieces of original art and gave an excellent talk on Saturday which we titled "My Failures in Art."

Today, upon returning from an open house at London Theological Seminary, I found an envelope containing the original pencil drawing of Charles H. Spurgeon--a preacher special to both me and Trinity Road Chapel. I am delighted to welcome this special gift to our home. It will always remind me of a special artist and a special preacher--both committed to making Jesus Christ known.

13 March 2009

Filling the Mind and Heart

The Lord has blessed our church with the ability to take on two full-time pastoral trainees for a period of two years: Barney Jones and Gareth Russell. In addition to being stuck into the work of the ministry in very practical and helpful ways, these two, along with our assistant pastor Stuart Davis, are meeting with me on Fridays at the manse for theological and ministerial reading and reflection. Below is a sample of our theological reading, which we are doing alongside other works we are reading and discussing:

Reading Schedule for Bavinck Reformed Dogmatics
Volume One, Prolegomena

Part I Introduction to Dogmatics

Chapter 1 - Completed
The Science of Dogmatics
Chapter 2 - Completed
The Method and Organization of Dogmatic Theology

Part II The History and Literature of Dogmatic Theology

Chapter 3 – Completed
The Formation of Dogma: East and West

Chapter 4 - Completed
Roman Catholic Dogmatics

Chapter 5 - Completed
Lutheran Dogmatics

Chapter 6 - March 13
Reformed Dogmatics

Part III Foundations of Dogmatic Theology (Principia)

Chapter 7 - March 20
Scientific Foundations

Chapter 8 – March 27
Religious Foundations

Part IV Revelation (Principium Externum)

Chapter 9 - April 3
The Idea of Revelation

Chapter 10 - April 17
General Revelation

Chapter 11 - April 24
Special Revelation

Chapter 12 - May 1
Revelation in Nature and Holy Scripture

Chapter 13 - May 8
The Inspiration of Scripture

Chapter 14 - May 15
The Attributes of Scripture

Part V (Principium Internum)

Chapter 15 - May 22
Faith and Theological Method

Chapter 16 - May 29
Faith and Its Ground

Chapter 17 - June 5
Faith and Theology